
B-STOCK: Televic Confidea F DI flush mount delegatstasjon | tolkespråk B-Stock

Integrated flush mount delegate panel with microphone connector, loudspeaker and channel selector with OLED display. Microphone to be ordered separately.

Televic CoCon Audio Routing | audio routing

This license allows the user to configure advanced audio routings between several inputs and outputs (Dante I/O, Auxiliary I/O, microphone groups) using an intuitive matrix UI.

Televic CoCon Authentication | authentification

Cocon Authentication is the application within the CoCon suite that manages delegate registration, identification and voting authorization (CoCon Voting required). The module offers the possibility to organize meetings using a free seating principle. It is a plugin for CoCon Discussion, so the latter is required to run CoCon Authentication, whenever used for voting authorization also CoCon Voting is required.

Televic CoCon Discussion | basis programvare

CoCon Discussion is a subset of the CoCon Conference Control Software Suite. The server / client based database driven module contains several applications to support the preparation and administrative process before meetings and the control during the meeting: - CoCon Room Server - CoCon Room Configurator - CoCon Meeting Manager - CoCon Operator Application - Microphone activity protocol acting as input for camera tracking integrations. - API available for communication with 3rd party applications The CoCon Discussion module serves as the basis of the suite and is needed to add other plugins

Televic CoCon Documentation | dokumentbehandling

CoCon offers additional functionality with regard to Documents and their management, if this license module is present. A meeting can be enhanced with documents that can be added, either general documents, as well as meeting agenda-specific documents are supported.

Televic CoCon Import/Export | eksport/import delegatlister

This module provides additional functionality to import and export data to/from CoCon from various formats (XML, Word), as well as advanced printing features. Is is a plugin for CoCon Discussion, so the latter is required to run CoCon Import/Export.

Televic CoCon Interpretation | tolkemodul

This module allows the use of the Interpreter Application for language, channel and desk configuration and monitoring of booth/desk activity. It also allows you to define the booths and desks in the Room Configurator.
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