
Televic Confidea FLEX Mike | delegatenhet med touchskjerm

The unit comes with a 5.2" touch screen for dynamic information, an integrated speaker, a microphone connector, an NFC badge reader, microphone buttons with hidden LED lights and braille guides. The device works with the architecture of the Plixus network and can be combined with other systems. Its slim and modern design make it feel at home anywhere. Microphone sold separately.

Televic Confidea FLEX TC

The Confidea FLEX TC transport case offers a clear and compact storage to meet on the go. It can store up to 16 FLEX units, wired or wireless (including batteries).

Televic Confidea GO G4

Sometimes, you just want to keep things simple. That is why the Confidea GO G4 makes it possible to meet up and connect to any remote platform with a discussion-only unit, without display.

Televic Confidea WAP G4

The compact, discreet yet powerful Confidea FLEX G4 access point is the heart of the wireless conference system.

Televic Confidea WAP G4, Dante

The compact, discreet yet powerful Confidea FLEX G4 access point is the heart of the wireless conference system.

Televic D-Cerno AE | centralenhet med USB-C

The D-Cerno AE is the heart of the D-Cerno digital discussion system and is designed to enable your hybrid meeting. Simply connect this central unit to the D-Cerno discussion units and start your meeting.

Televic D-Cerno CUR sentralstasjon med webserver, opptak

- Digital control unit for 50 D-Cerno units - Integrated recording capabilities - Integrated web server for control via tablet, smartphone, ... - Design matching look and feel D-Cerno units. - 4 digital RJ 45 ports - Branch or loop connection (redundancy) - LAN connection for web server or camera control protocol - Plug and Play - Eco Power Safe mode - Power connector with locking - XLR out, XLR in, RCA in and two RCA out - External power supply included

Televic D-Cerno D SL | delegatstation, utan svanhals

Digital Delegate Discussion unit with removable microphone (30, 40, 50 or 70 cm) - Microphone connector - Microphone button and volume control button - Built-in loudspeaker - Headphone connector - Cable of 2 meters included Microphone to be ordered separately

Televic D-Cerno PSU

Spare power supply for D-Cerno CU

Televic D-Cerno SL transportkasse for 12 enheter + CU

D-Cerno SL TC is a high-quality storage case for a complete D-Cerno SL system. The case offers room for 12 D-Cerno SL units, 12 microphones (30, 40 or 50cm) and one central unit, including power supply and cables. The foam inlays have been laser cut, making a perfect fit for the equipment and offering maximum protection against dust and impacts.

Televic DIGITAL AUDIO | Dantekort till AE-R og MME

The Dante Audio Networking Card is a plugin card that fits in the Plixus MME/AE-R and provides a digital audio networking interface.
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